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The Secretary
Council for Legal Education
7 Walterhill Road

Telephone: +263 4 788446/7

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The Honourable Mrs. Justice Sylvia   Chirawu-Mugomba (Chairperson)
Appointed by the Minister of Justice Legal & Parliamentary Affairs
Term expires 31 August 2024

Dr. I. Maja
Appointed by the Minister of Justice Legal & Parliamentary Affairs
Term expires 31 August 2024

Mrs. M. Mandingwa
Nominated by the Minister of Justice, Legal & Parliamentary Affairs
Term expires 31 August 2024

Mr. V.B. Sibanda
Appointed by the Minister of Justice Legal & Parliamentary Affairs
Term expires 31 August 2024

Mrs. F. Chimbaru
Nominated by the Minister of Justice, Legal & Parliamentary Affairs
Term expires 31 August 2024

Mr. R. Matsikidze
Appointed by the Minister of Justice Legal & Parliamentary Affairs
Term expires 31 August 2024

Mr T.F Godzi
Nominated by the Minister of Justice Legal & Parliamentary Affairs
Term expires 31 August 2024

Secretary - Mr. Peter Mudzimiri
Appointed by the Minister of Justice Legal & Parliamentary Affairs

About US

Council for Legal Education (the ‘Council’) is statutory  
body constituted under the Legal Practitioners Act  
(Chapter 27:07).  The Council was established in  
1992. The Council’s principal governing legislation is  
the Legal Practitioners Act. The Council operates using  
the following Council regulations:  
Statutory Instrument 111 of 2016
Statutory Instrument 30C of 2007 (Now  
Statutory Instrument 137 of 1999
Statutory Instrument number 447 of 1992

Membership of the Council consists of the  
• One Judge (Chairperson) nominated by the Chief    
• Two officials nominated by the Minister of Justice,  
  legal and parliamentary Affairs from his/her Ministry
• Two legal practitioners nominated by the Law Society  
  of Zimbabwe
• One representative from the Attorney General’s Office  
  nominated by the Attorney General

All the above Council Members are appointed by the  
Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

The day to day management of the Council is done by  
the Secretariat which is headed by a Secretary who is  
appointed by the Minister from among the senior legal  
officers in his Ministry. The current Secretary is Mr.  
Peter Mudzimiri
About Us
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Council for Legal Education © 2018
the wisdom of law is in learning